Friday, December 5, 2008
3rd Year Critique for studio class on 12/5/2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
4th Year Furniture Critique I attended on 12/1/2008
Because of my interest in the furniture design class, I decided to attend the 4th year critique. Students were to read a science fiction story depicting the world world in the year 2020 and design around what they read. The students talked of the specific character or character's house they were designing for and what purpose their furniture would serve.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Redo of Woodland Chapel

I decided to redo my vellum trace of the Woodland Chapel because I felt I poched my original too dark. I ended up buying and using a gray marker (rather than black sharpie) for this new one so that the poche would not come out too dark. The bottom picture is the new one and the top picture is the old one. The new one shows all of the inner workings of the roof much better than the older one.
The Class Final Exhibit
New Final Scale Model For Presentation
2nd Individual Drawings for Desert
My First Individual Drawings for the Desert
First Scale Model For Desert
This is our first 1/2":1' scale model of our desert installation. We made it so that the viewer can see a continuation of a wave all the way across the four blocks. We made the blocks black with white waves so that the waves can "pop" better in the model. We also created a little scale 5'8" man to stand next to the cubes so that viewers can see the average person's size relation to the cubes.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My Four Perspective Drawings

It was tricky finding vanishing points as well as light sources. For the bottom right bench drawing I decided to create my own light points rather than the ones in the picture because I didn't have enough room on my drafting table (or whole table) to find them. For the clouds in the top right and bottom left drawings I decided to take a blind contour approach so that I could capture their natural qualities of disconnectedness better.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Second Design Idea model
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First Design Idea Model
The Converging Image
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Woodland Chapel Section
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
One and Two Point Perspective Drawings of My Room

Monday, November 10, 2008
My Claymation For the Parking Presentation
Pathways, Edges and Boundaries Research and Presentation

Origin of the Parking lot
Public parking began on the curbs of streets.
Model T with its affordability along with the growing popularity of cars during the 1910s established the parking frenzy that began in public spaces.
During the 1910s the increasing number of parked cars to parked carriages increased sanitary conditions and led to the eventual banning of carriages.
Due to the growing demand for parking within towns small parking businesses sprang up within nearby vacant buildings.
William Phelps Eno a businessman of New York City created some of America’s first parking plans (1903) such as the clearing of trees or demolition of buildings for parking. Eno is also credited for the stop sign, and traffic circle.
Created the Eno Transportation Foundation in Washington D.C. dedicated to improving all modes of transportation.
Early designers of parking garages created ramps, Ferris wheels, turntables, elevators and other contraptions.
Malls sprung up during the 20’s and were surrounded by parking lots.
Parking frenzies led cars to park on piers.
New York’s robotic parking garage parks 67 cars in a space that would usually hold 24 cars.
Car Sizes
Standard car size began from the basic function to seat 2 to 3 people side by side and to have some amount of cargo space as or in the trunk.
Designated car sizes: Compact, midsize, full-size are based on the size of a car’s wheel base (the distance between the front and rear tires).
Monday, October 27, 2008
House Plan

Making my house footprint was interesting in trying to make a box look visually interesting. Using color to mark special lines helped with making my plan interesting. Drawing the topo lines also really made me think in depth of mine and my neighbor's yards as most of us have raised yards at different heights. Making a logo for my "Smitty & Son's" company was fun too and also adds to the visual interest.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dialog Project

For our Dialog projects we were to create two distinct spaces using 12-4"x6" bristol board planes along with 12 wooden skewers. These spaces were to have some type of communication with each other in their respective qualities.