Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Four Perspective Drawings

It was tricky finding vanishing points as well as light sources. For the bottom right bench drawing I decided to create my own light points rather than the ones in the picture because I didn't have enough room on my drafting table (or whole table) to find them. For the clouds in the top right and bottom left drawings I decided to take a blind contour approach so that I could capture their natural qualities of disconnectedness better.  

Perspective Drafting

Friday, November 21, 2008

Second Design Idea model

From exploring the direction of cars as well as the technical limitations of the concrete and project allowances, we decided to make the pillars shorter (about 3 feet tall) and have the pillars be square so that incoming and outgoing cars can see the image from either direction.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Design Idea Model

The Converging Image
I wanted to create something that would clearly address the issues discussed on what purposes the pathway/edge/boundary installation will have. Tommy talked a lot about creating a "visual speed-bump" since many people like to drive fast from one entrance/exit to the other which can be dangerous. The sign outside of the Greensboro Natural Science Center became my inspiration. It is a converging image very much like my own, however it cannot slow people down much as it is on a busy road where the speed limit is above 35. When the Column faces are oriented toward the two entrances/exits drivers coming upon the columns will want to slow down so that they can align the columns to see the image.  This will create something which is interactive, progressive (progression of spaces closing to form an image) as well as being a visual speed bump. People walking around the lot may want to walk around and in between the columns (and touch them if the columns are to have texture) adding another level of interactivity. The repetition in size and shape as well as the overlapping mechanic will address the issue of speeding and safety as well as providing something visually interesting for the parking-lot.  

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Venturi House Plan

North Arrows

I had a lot of fun coming up with different ideas for north arrows. It also made me think about designing around context. If you are for example designing for a pizza parlor you might draw a slice of pizza as your north arrow.

Cube Sections

House Elevation

This elevation was very tricky in getting measurements right. I started out drawing everything from left to right and ended up getting off on my measurements. I had to erase a lot and figure out the errors I a had made with my architectural ruler. Although it is a lot of work to do the picture, make the architectural layout, and do the lettering, a huge sigh of relief came over me once I was done. I felt like the man who hit himself in the head with a hammer.

Venturi 1st Floor Plan

The floor plans were tricky in getting walls from one end of the house to correspond/line up right with other walls. This was my first time poche'ing a plan. I liked how the walls seemed to "pop" with the poche almost looking three-dimensional.

Woodland Chapel Section

The Woodland Chapel Section was probably the hardest and most stress-inducing assignment we've had. The drawing we were to copy in 1/4" scale was so small it was nearly impossible to measure the distance in between lines. Any small mis-measure would ruin the whole section. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Claymation For the Parking Presentation

This is a claymation I made to give a better visual representation of the origin and future of parking. The claymation is made of two scenes which illustrate the past and future of parking. The past is characterized by the 1920s music in the beginning and then changes to techno to represent the future.

Pathways, Edges and Boundaries Research and Presentation

Origin of the Parking lot

 Public parking began on the curbs of streets.

 Model T with its affordability along with the growing popularity of cars during the 1910s established the parking frenzy that began in public spaces.

 During the 1910s the increasing number of parked cars to parked carriages increased sanitary conditions and led to the eventual banning of carriages.

 Due to the growing demand for parking within towns small parking businesses sprang up within nearby vacant buildings.

 William Phelps Eno a businessman of New York City created some of America’s first parking plans (1903) such as the clearing of trees or demolition of buildings for parking. Eno is also credited for the stop sign, and traffic circle.

 Created the Eno Transportation Foundation in Washington D.C. dedicated to improving all modes of transportation.

 Early designers of parking garages created ramps, Ferris wheels, turntables, elevators and other contraptions.

 Malls sprung up during the 20’s and were surrounded by parking lots.

 Parking frenzies led cars to park on piers.

 New York’s robotic parking garage parks 67 cars in a space that would usually hold 24 cars. 

 Car Sizes

 Standard car size began from the basic function to seat 2 to 3 people side by side and to have some amount of cargo space as or in the trunk.

 Designated car sizes: Compact, midsize, full-size are based on the size of a car’s wheel base (the distance between the front and rear tires). 
